“Angel Gate” by Willowy Whisper | Blog Tour

Note: This post was originally

posted on 2/14/20 on the old site.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I know that a lot of people think that Valentine’s Day is all about love and boyfriends and all that. Well, being the nerd that I am and the fact that I am probably from a different planet (and no, I’m not from the planet Venus, just no) I never really thought about Valentine’s Day like that. I always thought that it was all about showing God’s love towards others, I mean, I know what St. Valentines stories are, but who cares? I’m single and I’m happy. I love to spend February the fourteenth eating chocolate and spending time with my book boyfriends in my room. You know, reading in bed without a care in the world. Sounds like a good day to me.

Speaking of book boyfriends, I have a really good one for you. 😉 I’m part of the “Angel Gate” book tour. The book is written by Willowy Whisper and. Is. The. Best. Book. Ever.

I’m not usually a contemporary reader, but I was given a very pleasant surprise with this wonderful book. I mean, who can say no to a story about a movie actor that is actually sweet and an actual hero? Plus for being a contemporary romance, there is so much action packed into it that I didn’t want to put the book down. It was a huge plus for me.

About Willowy Whisper:

Picture of the author Willowy Whisper

WILLOWY WHISPER is a young Christian fiction author, graphic designer, and photographer. She lives in a beautiful place called West Virginia, nestled between mountain and field. She is the author of eleven novels, ten of which are published, and numerous short stories. She enjoys playing the piano, guitar, mandolin, and ukulele. She is also a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, an incurable romantic, and a passionate dreamer.

Web: https://hannahlinderbooks.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14003719.Willowy_Whisper

“Angel Gate” Synopsis:

Picture of the cover of "Angel Gate" by Willowy Whisper

Would the penalty for his questions–and his love–be lethal?

He’s got it all—looks, charisma, the compelling grin—everything Hollywood could ever ask for. Cass Remmlone is finally living his dreams. Maybe he’s not like he used to be. Maybe he doesn’t call home anymore, doesn’t read his Bible, doesn’t darken the doors of a church. But he’s having fun—and he’s having it with his best friend, Eddie Barlow.

Cass should have known God wouldn’t shut His eyes forever. Chastisement slams so fast Cass hardly knows what’s happening. Eddie is lying on the pavement, paramedics hunkering over him, even as his face goes slack. He whispers one name: Madeline.

Drowning in the horrors of his grief, Cass climbs into his convertible and drives away, leaving behind a career he spent most of his life pursuing. With nothing more than a letter and a name to go on, Cass finds himself in a town called Angel Gate, West Virginia, where he hopes to uncover more about the woman named Madeline. It is mere providence that leads him to the rundown farm, where he catches his first sight of Audrey Wade. If he thought she was beautiful before, the fact that she wants nothing to do with him only increases his attraction. But are his efforts even fruitful? Or is he wasting his time?

The longer he spends in Angel Gate, the more he begins to sense something sinister. A child is in danger, yet no one seems to notice. And who is Madeline? Why does the town go hush at the sound of her name? The closer he comes to the answers, the deeper he sinks into a nightmare.

Cass Remmlone can star in a movie…but can he rescue a child, win Audrey’s heart, and uncover a grisly truth? Or will he die trying?

Mini Book Review:

5/5 Stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Picture of "Angle Gate" with paper flowers

Special thanks to the author who gave me a copy in exchange for an honest review. The author did not pay me for a review and all the thoughts here are my own honest opinion.

This is an excellent nitty-gritty story about a movie star who falls in love with a country girl. The book also has some high stake action. It’s filled to the brim with heart wrenching and heartwarming scenes (take your pick, this book has both 😉 that will leave you gripping at the edge of your seat flipping the pages for more. I loved every moment with the characters and nearly cried several times. Cass had a way to make me smile, Audrey seemed real and down to earth, and I just wanted to give Shane a big hug. I really enjoyed this novel and will be looking for more books by this author.

Five Top Reasons Why This Book Is So GOOD!!!

  1. CASS! I mean he’s like this movie star that is not a total jerk. Sure, he can be flirtatious and whatever at times, but through most of this book he is so sweet. He helps Audrey at her farm just because. And the way he helped that child. There was nothing really in it for him which is why that makes me love Cass even more.
  2. THE PLOT!!! It was never boring. It never just dumped things on you. It was consistent and action-packed. IT WAS WONDERFUL!!!
  3. THE DESCRIPTION!!! It flowed very well and showed us what was happening. And never gave us too much on the violent parts but gave us enough to bring great satisfaction.
  4. THE LOVE STORY!!! It was very lovely and I love how it took the time to have the two main characters fall in love through their actions. Very realistic and I loved it.
  5. THE MESSAGE!!! The message in the story has to do with depending on God and it was very well done.

Content in Book:

  1. Having a child out of wedlock. (Only vaguely mentioned.)
  2. Violence. (Punching someone. Hand-to-hand combat. Beating a child (child abuse). Breaking a bone. Hitting someone over the head.

SPOILER Murder. Beating someone to death and making it look like that it was a car accident. Stabbing someone in the throat with a knife, wrapping the body and plastic, and burying it. Intended murder, shooting someone with a gun. END OF SPOILER


  1. Child abuse. (Physical, verbal, material. Etc.)

Who I Would Recommend This Book Too:

Those who love contemporary romance. Those who love real characters and great descriptions. Those who like a little action in their novel.

You can read my full review for “Angel Gate”

Here on Goodreads

Where You Can Find “Angel Gate”:

Picture of "Angle Gate"

Add “Angel Gate” to your TBR on Goodreads here:



Overall “Angel Gate” is a fantastic book! Like go read it! Thanks to Willowy Whisper for the opportunity to read just a wonderful book and to be part of this block tour!

Let’s Chat:

So what are you guys doing for
Valentine’s Day?

Somehow or another
I’m going to eat out with my parents,
which should be fun. =D

What are your favorite
book couples?

Cass and Audrey
(from “Angel Gate”
by Willowy Whisper),

Katniss and Peeta
(from “The Hunger Games”
by Suzanne Collins),


Elisabeth and Cedric
(from “Winter Cursed”
by Nicki Chapelway)

Are a few of my picks for now.
(I got way more, but I had to pick a random three, lol).

Let me know yours in the comments below!

Thank you all for reading and
read near the stars as close as you can!

Grace M. Morris =D
Author of the “Team Vergate” series

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Published by Grace M. Morris

Grace M. Morris traveled into a story one time, and no one has been able to pull her back ever since. When she learned that she can create stories of her own she has been striving to write speculative stories with a Christian basis suitable for young adults.

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