Cover Reveal | “Collusion” By: H.S.J. Williams

Hellooo Everyone!!! Boy, do I have something special to share with you guys today! A cover reveal for a novel we have all been waiting for, for nearly four years! And yes, I am talking about no other than “Collusion” the second book in “Kings of Aselvia” series by H.S.J. Williams! I can’t even tell you guys how excited I am for the release of this book! Eek! It’s going to be sooo good, and the cover! Well, I better go and show you guys. =D

So, with nothing further to do, let’s get this cover reveal on the road!


































































“Collusion” (Kings of Aselvia #2) By H.S.J. Williams

Cover Artist: Kateryna @vitkovskaya_art

Cover for "Collusion" by H.S.J. Williams


“When glass hits the floor, it scatters to the furthest corners. Don’t you know that broken things have the sharpest edges?”

Errance has it all—a crown, a kingdom, a family, and grace for eternity. Yet even after seven years of peace, decades of imprisonment have left scars upon his soul that refuse to fade. Fear of the future keeps him crippled in the present.

When one of his worst fears comes true, Errance is left with a choice—remain hiding in the safety of Aselvia or return to the world that hurt him the first time. Throwing all caution to the wind, he plunges into the dregs of the cities and climbs to the heights of society in the search for his missing loved one.

There is more at work than he can see—allies are not all that they appear. Lies, schemes, and politics are seeking the strengths and weaknesses of Aselvia, and if he’s not careful, he’ll lose everything he holds dear.

But the King of the Elves has not survived this long just to lose to mortal treachery, and when he comes out of his kingdom, he’s coming to set the world on fire.

Pre-Order Link

Coming September 27th, 2024!

"Collusion" promo picture

Pre-Order Goodies

Pre-Order Goodies for the E-Book
Pre-Order Goodies for the Paperback

Anyone who pre-orders the kindle ebook can submit a form to receive the 5” x 7” print of Errance and Tryss’s wedding art by Jenelle Hovde!

In the first week of release (Sep 27 to Oct 4th), if you order the paperback, you can submit a form to receive not only the same wedding print, but an additional art print, bookmark, sticker, and nameplate! If you have already bought the kindle but decide to upgrade to the paperback, you can upgrade your swag package in the paperback swag form!

*All book swag will be mailed at least a week after Collusion’s release.

Wedding Art Print by Jenelle Hovde @jenellehovdeauthor
Proposal Art Print by Sonia @Soniaaart_
Bookmark by Irene Chau @theherbwitchapprentice
Sticker by Hannah @h.s.j._williams

About the Author

H.S.J. Williams

Picture  of the author H.S.J. Williams

From the beginning, H. S. J. Williams has loved stories and all the forms they take. Whether with word, art, or costume, she has always been fascinated with the magic of imagination. She lives in a real fantastical kingdom, the beautiful Pacific Northwest, with her very own array of animal friends and royally loving family. Williams taught Fantasy Illustration at MSOA. She may also be a part-time elf.

Find H.S.J. Williams at:

You can check out and follow William’s art page over here:






"Collusion" promo picture

First of all, that cover is so pretty!!! **Heart-eyes forever** I’m so excited to get back into Errance’s story. And the fact that he’s married in this one!?! Yes, I’m am super excited for this book!

So what do you think about the cover for “Collusion”? Who’s excited for its release? Let me know in the comments down below!

Enjoy the Adventure! =D
Grace M. Morris

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Published by Grace M. Morris

Grace M. Morris traveled into a story one time, and no one has been able to pull her back ever since. When she learned that she can create stories of her own she has been striving to write speculative stories with a Christian basis suitable for young adults.

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